We are Golden and we SPARKLE
Transition arrangements are provided for children with SEND on admission to the school, when they are moving on to the next class or key stage, and in preparation for a new school or setting. These are managed by the Inclusion Leader under direction of the Head teacher.
On admission to the school…
The Inclusion Leader manages the admission of pupils with SEND to the school through liaison with parents, external agencies and if applicable previous schools/ settings. e.g. nurseries, pre-schools, child-minders. Information is shared about the needs of the child and the support that will be required. For children with complex needs this may involve the Inclusion Leader attending a Multi-Agency Meeting (MAM) or a CAF Meeting prior to the child starting school where all agencies will be present to discuss and support transition. The Inclusion Leader may also need to apply in advance for additional HLN funding to support the school in meeting the child’s needs or to the Disabled Access Group (DAG) Panel to ensure the school is accessible for the child. The Inclusion Leader will then support the class teacher and other support staff in preparing for the child’s admission. This will include ensuring any relevant training needs are met. e.g. Moving and Handling, Positive Intervention. Additional visits to school may be offered for the parents and child, to supplement any other admissions arrangements for new children to the school.
On moving to a new class or key stage…
Information is shared about the needs of the child and the support that will be required by the current class teacher with the next class teacher and any support staff during a transition meeting. Prior to the transition meeting, the current class teacher makes sure that any records about the child are up-to-date and that the class Provision Map is shared with the new teacher to ensure continuity of provision for the child’s needs. Support staff who work with the child may also carry out a transition programme involving preparing the child for the changes that are going to take place. This may also involve support from the school’s Emotional Literacy Support Assistant. The Inclusion Leader will also support the new class teacher and support staff in preparing for the child’s admission, including ensuring any relevant training needs are met and that the classroom is accessible.
Preparation for a new school or setting…
As pupils on the SEND register progress from our school to a secondary school or from our school to another Primary school, the Inclusion Leader will liaise with the various receiving schools. Information about the needs of the child and the support they require will be passed onto the next school by the Inclusion Leader. e.g. current provision maps, recent reports from professionals. In the case of transition to secondary, this will include inviting the SENCO from the secondary schools to Y5 & Y6 Annual Reviews and arranging visits for pupils and parents to look at prospective schools. This may include transition for some children with statements/ EHCPs to specialist provision. Support staff who work with the child may also carry out a transition programme involving preparing the child for the changes that are going to take place. This may also involve support from the school’s lead Pastoral Practitioner & ELSA, Mrs Gadsby or a specialist transition support from outside professionals.