
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE


Homework is given our on a Friday and is due in the following Thursday.

Maths Homework


Date set: Friday 26th May 2023

Due in: Monday 5th June 2023


Next half term Year 4 will be completing their Times Tables Check test. To prepare for this, we would like for you to complete a Maths times tables challenge. Please find attached the leaflet with links and details of how you can practise, practise, practise! 


Have fun and we can't wait to see how well you get on!

Half-term History Creative Project


Date set: Friday 14th October 2022
Due in: Thursday 3rd November 2022

Next half-term, we will be launching our exploration and discovery theme, focusing on the achievements of the ancient Egyptians. For your half-term creative project, why not have a go at creating one of the following things:

Can you write your name in hieroglyphics?
Could you create a 3D pyramid?
• Could you create your own 3D sarcophagus?
• Can you research one the ancient Egyptians achievements and present this in the form of a book, PowerPoint presentation or something creative?
• Can you create a 3D death mask? Or decorate one that you’ve drawn?
• Why not research about Tutankhamun and create a fact-file about him.


We can't wait to see what you come up with laugh

Maths and Spelling/ handwriting Homework


Date set: Friday 30th September 2022

Due in: Thursday 6th October 2022


This week in maths we have been using our knowledge of the relationship between one and one thousand to convert between different units of measure. We have also been recapping our arithmetic knowledge in maths blast sessions. For your homework, please complete the fast four maths sheet provided. An extra copy can be found below if needed. 


For your English homework this week, I would like you to practice some of the year 3/4 spelling words listed. Complete the handwriting sheet that has been provided.

Maths and Reading Homework


Date set: Friday 23rd September 2022

Due in: Thursday 29th September 2022


This week in maths we have been learning about column subtraction whilst recapping our learning on addition. For your homework, please head over to My Maths and complete the 'Mixed Sums' task. You can watch the lesson before you begin.  Your logins and letters have been provided.


This week in reading we've been retrieving information about the characters. When reading your book this week, can you make a list of everything that you can retrieve about a character from your story?

Maths & Spelling Homework

Date set: Friday 16th September 2022

Due in: Thursday 22nd September 2022.


This week in maths, we’ve been learning about addition with regrouping. For your homework this week, please complete the sheet provided. A copy is available here too.  Remember to look out for addends in each column that have a sum of more than 9, as this will involve regrouping.  In math’s blast we have been practicing doubling numbers rapidly. We have also included a doubling section on your homework.

Times table practice: recapping 4 and 8 x table. Have a look at our timetable section to help you with games to play.

For English, please practice your spelling band at the back of your diary. Why not have a go writing these words in sentences?
