
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Summer 2

Summer 2 - Living and Surviving

Living and Surviving


Our theme this half-term is ‘Living and surviving.’ Through different subjects we will consider the impact of our actions and the importance of our surroundings, environment and what it takes to survive.


We are readers and writers 

As readers and writers this half-term, we will be using the book, ‘Journey’ to inspire our own descriptive stories set in an imagined world. After delving into our book and exploring it through oral retellings, we are going to spend some time constructing super sentences, identifying effective vocabulary, developing our knowledge of setting a scene through creative writing and inferring character’s thoughts and feelings. In reading we will be retrieving, inferring information and learning about new vocabulary.


We are mathematicians 

As mathematicians we will continue to understand and manipulate multiplicative relationships. We will be continuing to explore fractions, what is a mixed fraction and converting them into improper fractions. We will also be delving into division and what is a remainder.

As this term is important for our Year 4 Times Tables check you can help your children improve by using your Tackling tables login and encouraging them to play online at home! If you need your child’s details, please come and speak to me as this is a great mathematical resource.


We are Scientists

As scientists we will be revisiting animal’s habitats, particularly focusing on food chains. We will learn about the differences in an animal’s habitat and the importance of food chain and what might affect them. Using this knowledge, the pupils will answer our ‘big question’ – ‘How do animals get their food and energy?’. Within this unit the children will also carry out comparative tests and observations over time.


We are Geographers

As geographers, we will learn about rivers, focusing particularly on the Water Cycle and its impact on some of the world’s most famous rivers.


We are Artists

As artistswe will be creating and assessing sculptures and printing by famous artists such as Lucy Arnold and Barbara Hepworth. The pupils will be also using their previous learning about printing and sculptures from Year 3 to create their own.


We are Philosophers

As philosophers, we will learn about our growing and changing bodies and the importance of keeping safe online.


We are Athletes

As athletes the children will be developing skills to enable them to participate in athletics and outdoor learning such as orienteering. The children will work their track skills, throwing, hurdles and also working together as a team. Please remember your PE Kit: plain dark bottoms and a plain white top.
