We are Golden and we SPARKLE
Keeping children safe a key priority in school. Safeguarding takes many forms including: protecting children from harm; preventing impairment of children’s health and development; enabling safe and effective parenting and giving children equal opportunities in life.
We do many things every day in school to ensure pupils are safe including: ensuring all staff are trained in safeguarding; having clear policies and procedures in place to keep children safe; monitoring pupil attendance; ensuring a safe and healthy site; ensuring the behaviour of pupils is in line with the our behaviour policy and using our curriculum to teach children about risk taking, diversity, healthy lifestyles, managing relationships, online safety and much more.
A culture of safeguarding is embedded at Glade Hill. We pride ourselves in knowing our children and the needs of both the individuals within our community and the needs of the wider community itself. As a result we have the following as part of our curriculum:
Our SPARKLE curriculum:
Our aim through our SPARKLE Curriculum is to provide our children with positive foundations in attitudes, values, knowledge and skills and forming positive beliefs about relationships and feelings. Therefore we value the importance of PSHE to help and support our children through their physical, emotional and moral development, as well as supporting them with their Mental Health and Well-being. This curriculum includes:
Our SPARKLE curriculum also permeates through our Collective Worship times where we explore key themes, festivals and important values with the children such as: British values, Anti Bullying, Disability History month, road, rail and water safety and so much more.
We follow the thematic approach to primary PSHE education, from the PSHE association, covering all three core themes of the Programme of Study (Health and Wellbeing; Relationships; and Living in the Wider World) over the school year, with three topics per half term. This approach allows different year groups to work on similar themes at the same time, building a spiral programme year on year, whilst offering flexibility in terms of medium term planning. The colour-coded topic areas can be adapted to meet planning requirements, pupils’ stage of development and needs and also to reflect the context of the school and local community. Supporting our children's development and wellbeing helps to safeguard them and is a key part of our safeguarding curriculum.
Our RSHE programme is based on the needs of pupils in the school with learning outcomes appropriate to their age, ability and level of maturity. RSHE is also firmly embedded within our broader curriculum areas, including Science and PE, in addition to more focused learning through RSHE sessions, circle-time and assemblies. Pupils will be helped to appreciate difference and to respect themselves and others.
During RSE week we use The Christopher Winter Project planning and resources to help us teach these key objectives.
Picture News:
Each week our pupils learn from the world around us by sharing and discussing a current news story through thought provoking questions and a variety of teaching resources from Picture News. These resources provide meaningful links to British Values and support our pupils with their personal development.
Digital Safety:
This is addressed by our online safety curriculum delivered through the PSHE curriculum and computing lessons using Purple Mash as a basis. We have effective filtering and monitoring processes to support children in safely accessing digital content in school.
Additional programmes:
We take part in the NSPCC's 'Speak out. Stay Safe' programme. This consists of an assembly and supporting classroom-based activities. Speak out. Stay safe. is a safeguarding programme available to all primary schools in the UK. It aims to help children understand abuse in all its forms and to recognise the signs of abuse in a child friendly, interactive way. Children are taught to speak out if they are worried, either to a trusted adult or Childline.
We also teach younger children about talk PANTs and 'Pantosaurus' using the NSPCC's resources. Developed in consultation with children, parents, carers and teachers, Talk PANTS is here to help children understand their body belongs to them, and they should tell a safe adult they trust if anything makes them feel upset or worried.
Children in Year 6 access the DAaRT project which stands for Drug, Alcohol and Resilience Training. This is a programme run by Life Skills Primary Education in conjunction with Nottinghamshire Police, and is the refreshed and updated version of our successfully delivered and evaluated DARE Primary programme. The programme will equip young people with a range of knowledge and skills which they can use as the transition to secondary and beyond.
Children in Year 5 access the GREAT project run by EQUATION. GREAT is delivered over 4 weekly sessions and is designed to promote healthy relationships and domestic abuse awareness to Year 5 and 6 pupils. Each session has identified aims, learning outcomes and links to the RSE and PSHE requirements.
Children in Year 5 and 6 also access sessions based on Nottingham City Knives and Weapons Guidance for Schools and Education Providers. This includes helping children to develop the knowledge and skills that they need around laws, resisting peer and media influence and pressure, safety and healthy relationships. Nottingham Schools - Nottingham City Council
KS2 children learn about road safety, what it means and how to keep themselves safe when near roads. They learn about the Green Cross Code and how to identify safe places to cross the road. When the children have worked through the programme they take part in the Road Safety Quiz led by Nottingham City Council.
Y6 pupils take part in our Ridewise cycling program where they learn the vital life skills of how to ride a bike safely on and off the roads. Pupils not only learn to cycle but they gain much needed independence and confidence when cycling. They learn how to maintain their bikes to ensure they are safe to ride, and which vital accessories they need (such as helmets) to keep themselves safe. We also have trained members of staff who introduce our littlest ones to the world of two wheels through starting off on balance bikes. This program provides a fun and safe way for our pupils to learn how to ride a bike for the first time.
Every year the whole school takes part in Anti-bullying week and Odd Socks Day where children learn about what bullying is (and the different types e.g. online), how it can be prevented, what to do if you experience bullying or think someone else is, what a bystander is and their responsibility and the impact of bullying. At the start of Anti-bullying week, we take part in Odd Socks Day to encourage children (and staff!) to express themselves, celebrate their individuality and what makes us all unique! Anti-Bullying Alliance