
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

History at Glade Hill

At Glade Hill, our aim is to create enthusiastic, curious Historians with an appreciation and understanding of the past. We want our children to develop a coherent overview of Britain’s past, as well as that of the wider world, and learn to ask informed questions to deepen their knowledge. History lessons at will teach children how to critically analyse and evaluate a range of primary and secondary sources, and explain clearly how these give an insight into how people lived in the past. Children will also be able to make reasoned judgements about the importance of historical sources, understanding that interpretations of these may differ. Our children will make links between different times, and have an understanding of the chronology of the eras studied in each year group, discussing similarities, differences, and changes over time. Where appropriate, children will visit important historical sites and museums to bring their learning to life.


Our curriculum is designed to cover all of the knowledge and skills set out in the national curriculum, and uses a progressive model that builds on these skills in each year group. Our history units are organised to embed and build on understanding of chronology, and focus on teaching specific vocabulary that enables our children to speak and write accurately and eloquently about what they have discovered. We also aim to ensure that our history units are supported by quality primary and secondary texts, exposing children to a wide range of non-fiction material and giving them the opportunity to apply their reading skills across the curriculum. At the end of each unit, children will communicate what they have learned in a numbers of different ways, such as creating history museums for other classes to explore and learn from, designing knowledge organisers to explain their learning to others, and showcasing their learning in class assemblies. We believe that this approach further embeds learning and ensures that children remember what they have learnt in each History unit.
