We are Golden and we SPARKLE
Above is the home learning outline for the week commencing 20th July. There are some learning activities that you could complete and any resources you will need you can find under above! Have a great week!
Home Learning
Hello Fantastic Ferns! What a few weeks it has been! This website is going to be filled with useful ideas for your learning at home. I will be using marvellous me regularly and also checking my emails often.
To keep in touch with me use the email address ferns@gladehill.nottingham.sch.uk
I know you have all worked hard on your learning packs and are now eager for more learning to complete! Under here I will be attaching home learning opportunities weekly.
Children can also take charge of their own learning through accessing a range of learning websites. Some ones you may be familiar with are:
TT rockstars
Purple Mash
My Maths
BBC Bitesize
https://www.thenational.academy/ Oak National Academy
Welcome back year 3!
Miss Clarke and I are very impressed with the progress the children have made already this year. This newsletter will provide information on our next half term in year 3. It also includes information about our routines and ways in which you can support us at home.
If you have any queries or questions please do not hesitate to email me.
Fantastic Ferns had a jam packed World Book Day!
We filled our day with activities such as: bookmark making, picture inference, rocket crafts, story writing, circle time, showcasing our work and story time.
We hope you enjoy looking through our pictures above!
In maths this half term we will be continue learning how to multiply and divide. In year 3 we need to know our 3, 4 and 8 times tables – so you can practise these at home!
We will also be learning some statistics, including how to read and use bar charts, pictograms and tally charts.
This half term in literacy we will be focusing on instructional writing. We will be creating instructions that tell people how to wash a Stone Age animal.
After instruction writing, we will be writing a diary entry based on a popular book by David Walliams named ‘Ice Monster.’
We will be using lots of exciting vocabulary, punctuation and grammar, such as imperative verbs and adverbs to make our writing FANTASTIC.
Our topic this half term is ‘Yabba Dabba Doo!’. In science we will be learning about shadows and light. Of course, we will also be learning about the Stone Age all the way through to the Iron Age!
PE will be on a Monday. Please remember to bring your kits every week!
Swimming is now on a Tuesday afternoon so please remember your swimming kits every week!
Some form of maths homework will be given out every Friday and expected to be handed in the following Thursday.
Children are also expected to read 3 or more times a week and be practising their coloured spellings at home.
As well as this, 4 times a year a homework creative project will be given out.
An important way to support your child’s learning at home is to read with them at least 3 times per week. If you child reads 3 times per week at home they will receive a star on their RED TED award!