
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Our Learning Journey - AUTUMN 2 ONCE UPON A TALE.....

                                  OuLearning Journey!

Every week we will add new information about our learning in GREEN CLASS . Please scroll down the page to see what we have learnt previously - it really helps if your child can revisit previous learning and talk about it with you. Remember to go to Letters to read our AUTUMN 2 newsletter and check the PHOTO GALLERY for updates on this half terms Learning Journey.

Resources 14.12.20

Resources 07. 12 20

Week Beginning 30th November 2020

This week we were very excited to receive a letter from Santa - who had heard from the friendly robin in the woods that Green Class had been making bird-feeders and leaving them there. Santa was very impressed and left the children some chocolate coins - and a copy of one of his favourite books STICK MAN. We had a great week reading the story, collecting sticks to make our own stick men and using them in the small world to re-tell the story. The children are doing so well with their phonics and did a great job writing speech bubbles for different parts of the story. Please go to the GALLERY to see some photos from our busy week.

Resources 30.11.20

Resources w/b 23. 11. 20

Week beginning 16.11.20

This week we have been developing our fine motor skills by strengthening the muscles in our hands and fingers. The children have all been given their own pot of play dough and have loved squashing, squeezing, rolling, pinching and manipulating the dough into different shapes. We then used these skills to make our own Diva lamps using clay and added sequins to decorate. We hope the children enjoyed lighting them at home and sharing with you all the fun things we have learnt this week about Diwali. Please email a photo to us of your lamps at home or you can always add a picture via Tapestry. Go to the Photo Gallery to see our pictures in class.

Resources w/b 16.11.20

 Week beginning 9.11.20

As well as all our fabulous phonics, maths, reading and innovating story maps for the Three Little Pigs this week, we have had a great time celebrating - remembrance day, Children In Need and Miss Jardine's birthday. We made poppies and learnt why it is important to 'never forget' and the whole school commemerated the day with a two-minute silence. On Thursday we followed a recipe and weighed the ingredients to make  a delicious birthday cake. Finally, on Friday the children came to school dressed for Pudsey. Thank you so much to our wonderful parents for all your support and generosity. And a big THANK YOU for all my lovely cards and gifts. Don't forget to take a look in the Photo Gallery to see how much fun we have had learning  in Green Class this week.


Week beginning 2.11.20

This week the children have returned from half term and settled straight back into the routines of Green class. We have enjoyed  loads of fabulous learning around the traditional tale of The Three Little Pigs. We have role-played the story with masks and props, made our own collage pig and wolf masks, we have drawn story maps and used the ordinal language of first, second and third. We made  stick, straw and brick houses from clay to use in our small world and we collected sticks in the forest and built our very own stick houses. Please take a look in the PHOTO GALLERY to see what we have been up to this week.


 Once Upon A Tale....

Our new topic is Once Upon a Tale…  We will be singing lots of songs and nursery rhymes and reading some favourite traditional tales such as Goldilocks and the Three Bears, The Gingerbread Man and The Three Little Pigs. We will be investigating waterproof materials and baking tasty gingerbread biscuits, as well as celebrating Bonfire Night, Diwali and Christmas.  In Literacy, we will be drawing story maps to re-tell some of our favourite tales, as well as creating some new ideas. In maths, we will continue to use Numberblocks to explore numbers to 5, as well as working with 2D and 3D shapes. In our daily phonic sessions, we will continue to develop our reading and writing skills as we learn more ‘Letters and Sounds’.  
