
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Yr 4 - Outstanding Oaks

We SPARKLE together, learn together and have fun together.

Hello all, and welcome to a new section of the Outstanding Oaks Page. Thanks to the technological world that we live in, we can still connect with one another and share our experiences during this season. Below you will find a section labelled home learning. Each Friday, I will inform you of some things that you can complete at home under each section. Some of these tasks will be online, practical, independent or explorative. The additional learning section, will offer fun and creative things that you and your child may wish to engage with.  This is a great time to allow your child to develop their creativity, imagination and pick up new skills. Please do send me pictures and messages of anything that you get up to via our email:

I look forward to seeing what you get up to =).


Miss Siriboe

Home Learning information

smileyWeek beginning 20.07.20smiley


Outstanding Oaks congratulations for all of the hard work, enthusiasm and perseverance you have shown with home learning these past few months. From stories, to poetry, rainforest projects to French challenges, you've delved into some great learning adventures. For your final week, head over to the English and Maths page and wider curriculum to see your choice of fun activities to complete. You can choose which one/ ones you would like to do.


Please do email me any work or fun things that your child completes and I will share it on the gallery page.

WC 20.07.20

Home learning fun 20.07.20

A child friendly guide to understandng Coronavirus

A big welcome to our spring 2 learning journey. We hope you're as excited as we are to go on some wonderful learning adventures this half-term.


Say no to Plastic pollution!

Still image for this video
After learning about the impact plastic pollution is having on our planet, Outstanding Oaks set to work to get people to realise the impact of their actions. After being inspired by Greta Thunberg's famous quote 'you're never too small to make a change,' we decided to write our own persuasive speeches about the dangers of plastic pollution.

Put a stop to plastic pollution!

Still image for this video

'Mother nature is crying out in pain.'

Still image for this video

Think about the poor, innocent creatures that are impacted by our plastic.

In English, we drew upon persuasive speech inspiration from Greta Thunberg and Malala Yousafzai to help us write our own about plastic pollution. We learnt about emotive language, hyperbole, rhetorical questions, and many other persuasive text features to help us write ours. We hope after reading and listening to a few, you will feel inspired to think about the impact you are having.

Spring 2 learning adventures

We enjoyed exploring and replicating the work of natural artists such as Andy Goldsworthy this half-term. As a class, we thought about how we could use the beautiful nature around us to recreate pieces of artwork.

Can you make the bulb light up?

We had a great time in science learning about how to create a simple circuit. We found out that for the bulb to light up, we had to make sure there was a complete circuit for the electrical current to flow round. After completing this, we drew a scientific diagram using the correct electrical symbols.



In English this half-term we will be writing to persuade and entertain. Using our stimulus of ‘Our house is on Fire,’ a story inspired by the climate change activist, Greta Thunberg, the children will be writing their own persuasive speeches about saving our planet. Following on from this, the children will write poetry inspired by plastic pollution and the need for action now!

In reading, we will be focusing on the fiction text ‘Song of the dolphin boy’ - inferring character’s thoughts and feelings as well as summarising and sequencing the events of the story.



In maths, we will be drawing upon our multiplication learning to help us find the area and perimeter of rectilinear shapes. Moving on from this, the children will learn about time, by converting between different units.

Throughout the half-term, we will continue to revisit and practise multiplying and dividing 2 and 3-digit numbers as this is a vital skill.  We will also regularly spend time recalling their x table knowledge up to 12x 12 which is vital for their times table test at the end of the year. I want to continue to encourage the children to use TT rockstars.



In science, we will be learning about the legacy of Thomas Edison, and Benjamin Jefferson as we delve into our electricity unit. We will learn about everyday appliances and the important role they play in our lives; how to draw and conduct a simple series circuit. Throughout the unit, we will work scientifically by predicting and carrying out investigations into how to make the bulb brighter and dimmer, and what happens when there is a break in a circuit. We will also learn about conductors and insulators.


Legacies: past and future

Our topic this half-term is ‘Legacies.’ Through different subjects, we will consider the impact of ours and people’s actions on the way that we lived in the past, present, and how we will live in the future.

In geography, we will be learning about climate change and the legacy we may leave behind if we don’t act now. We will explore plastic pollution and its impact on the environment, and we will begin to learn about the differences between climate and weather. We may also look at places in the world that have been affected by climate change, and we will begin to consider what we can do to make a difference.


Building upon this, in art, we will study the work of environmentalist Andy Goldsworthy. We will explore and replicate his style, and use this to inspire our own sculptures.


In history, we will build upon our learning from last half-term by thinking about how the Romans influenced British culture, technology and our landscape. We are very lucky to have members of Nottingham University who will be delivering our history lessons this half-term.

In humanities last half-term, we spent some time learning about the Roman empire. We considered what made their army powerful and the places in Britain they invaded. We also considered the impact they had on the Celts and Picts living in Britain, by learning about Boudicca and Hadrian's wall. We're looking forward to continuing our learning about their legacy next half-term.

Last half-term in science, we learnt about the digestive system and the importance of each organ. We pieced the digetsive system together and researched and identified the function of each organ. Applying our knowledge, we recretaed the role of the digestive system using everyday items to explain our learning.

In English, we loved writing our own tension-filled stories based on, '"Escape from Pompeii." We learnt about selecting and using effective vocabulary to help paint a vivid picture in the reader's mind of the terrible destruction.

Spring 1


A big welcome to our page this this half-term. We loved our ancient Egyptian learning from last half-term (scroll to see some of exciting learning adventures), and we're really looking forward to getting stuck into our next learning adventure- the rowdy Romans. Please find below an outline of our learning this term.





In literacy this half term, we will be looking at, and writing our own short tension-filled stories set in historical settings. We will use our class book, ‘Escape from Pompeii’ by Christina Balit to help us structure our writing. We will also explore effective vocabulary choices and how these can be used to create a sense of danger and panic.


In reading, we will be focusing on non-fiction texts and poetry this half-term, considering how the authors use presentational device, structural devices, and language to support the reader’s understanding.



In maths, we will be learning about multiplication and division. The children will spend time recalling their x table knowledge up to 12x 12 which is vital for their times table test at the end of the year. I want to continue to encourage the children to use TT rockstars. As well as this, the children will learn how to use written methods to multiply 2- and 3-digit numbers by 1-digit numbers, and divide 2 and-3 digit numbers using formal written methods.



In science, we will be learning about the digestive system. Following on from our last topic of teeth, we will be diving into the digestive system where the next step of the breaking down of food occurs. We will identify the different organs within the digestive system and begin to think about their functions. Throughout the term, we will be working scientifically to ask questions


Topic: Rowdy Romans

Our topic this half-term is the ‘Rowdy Romans’ and we will be considering the Roman empire and its impact on Britain. In history, we will begin to build a chronological narrative- thinking about who the Romans were; how they managed to invade countries and build their empire, and how this impacted people within Britain. We will also spend time thinking about how the Romans influenced British culture, technology and our landscape.

In geography, we will look at some of the countries invaded by the Romans and use atlases to plot these on a map.

In art, we will be studying Roman mosaics, experimenting with patterns and techniques to create our own roman-inspired tiles.

Year 4 share the fantastic autumn 2 learning

At the end of autumn term, Outstanding Oaks created a marvellous museum to showcase all of their brilliant learning from the half-term. From stalls about Egyptian art, the importance of the River Nile to stalls about non-chronological reports and mummification, they were certainly the experts within the room. They used lots of our new topic vocabulary and confidently shared their learning with year 3 and year 6. A great job Outstanding Oaks. Let's see if our Roman museum next half-term can beat it!

What impact do sugary drinks have on our teeth?

This half-term,  Outstanding Oaks have been learning all about teeth, and this week we found out about how cavities are formed. Using this evidence, we set up an investigation to see what impact different drinks could have on our teeth. We used the eggshells to represent the enamel and placed them into different jars of liquids.

To make sure we knew that our results were influenced by the drinks alone, we thought about how to conduct a fair test.

-We decided we had to put the same amount of liquid in each jar- 60ml.

-We put the jars in the same place because we didn't want different temperatures to impact our results.

-We also decided that we would check the results of each jar at certain times in the day.


We're excited to see what will happen!

Oustanding Oaks transported 5000 years back in time to ancient Egypt!

What a fantastic start we had to our Ancient Egyptian topic.

Outstanding Oaks were transported back 5000 years, to the time when the mighty Pharaoh Tutankhamun ruled the Egyptian civilisation. After becoming his slaves for the day, the children underwent a number of daily duties. They learnt what life was like for slaves during this civilisation, and the luxuries that the pharaoh was given.

To finish the day, the children learnt about the mummification process and used this knowledge to stage their own burial. It's fair to say it was very gory indeed!

Ancient Egyptian Creative Projects

Welcome to Year 4!



Autumn 2


A big welcome to the Outstanding Oaks page. We are looking forward finding  delving into lots of exciting learning opportunities that involve problem-solving, resilience, creativity and most importantly FUN! 



In literacy this half term, we will be  writing our own non-chronological reports (information pages) all about the astonishing ancient Egyptians. We will spend some time identifying the features of a non-chronological report; establishing our audience and purpose, and developing our sentence structure. In reading, we will be reading 'Secrets of a Sun King' by Emma Carroll. This is a fantastic book that takes the children back to 1922 and Howard Carter's discovery of Tutankhamun. In spelling we will continue to practise our homophones and different 'shun' suffixes: -ssion, -sion, -cian - tion.




In maths we will be starting our unit on money. They children will begin by identifying different amounts of money; estimating and rounding with money and solving problems involving money. Taking this leaning further, the children will be calculating change and applying this to the context of real life problems.


Also, we do TT rock stars during the week and you can help your children improve by encouraging them to play online at home! All of the children have been provided with their log in which can be found on their back cover of the reading diary. If you need your child’s detail/ support, please come and speak to me as this is a great mathematical resource.



In science we are learning all about teeth and the digestive system. We will begin our half-term by reflecting upon the types of teeth that humans have and how they are suited for the function. sing this knowledge, we will then spend time looking at animal's teeth and considering how these teeth are suited to their diet. During this topic, we will also conduct an investigation to see what impact sugary drinks can have on our teeth. We will make predictions, plan investigations, reflecting upon fair testing, and will draw conclusions. We will also spend some time looking at the digestive system: identifying the organs and their functions.



Our topic this term is all about the ancient Egyptians and their civilisation. We will spend some time thinking about this civilisation and what they were known for. Thinking like historians, we will use ancient Egyptian artefacts to make inferences and ask historical questions about this civilisation. Throughout the term, we will explore a range of achievements such as Egyptian writing, the pyramids, famous pharaohs , mummification and more. In geography, we will think about the importance of the River Nile and consider why this great river has been important to their settlement. In art, the children will develop their competence in clay, by creating Egyptian scarab beetles. We will spend time creating mixed media pages and sketching.



PE will be on Monday and Tuesday this half-term. Please make sure kit is in every week!

The new skills will be dance- focusing on balancing, flexibility  and travelling.



Just a reminder - Homework is given out every Thursday and we expect it  to be returned by the following Friday. If your child needs support with their homework, please ask them to see myself or Mrs McKenna.


Bronze, Silver and Gold Reading Award

An important way to support your child’s learning at home is to read with them at least 3 times per week. If you child reads 3 times per week at home they will receive a star on their bronze book mark. Once they have completed their bookmarks they move onto silver and then onto gold.

The trip to Waterstones is now on the horizon so please keep up all your fabulous reading!














A big welcome to the Outstanding Oaks page. This term the children will be delving into lots of exciting learning opportunities that involve problem-solving, resilience, creativity and most importantly FUN!



In literacy this half term, we will be  writing our own adventure stories based on the fantastic 'BFG' by Roald Dahl. The story takes us from the well-known setting of London, right into the BFG's imaginary world where we meet ferocious and troublesome giants. We will spend some time as a year group unpicking the story; learning about the structure of adventure stories and then creating our own. Lots of our writing sessions will focus on exciting vocabulary; developing our sentence structure and thinking about how we can make our writing engaging for the reader.  You might want to spend some time with your child, exploring other Roald Dahl books; discussing other adventure stories or looking for exciting characters and settings in their current stories.




In maths we will be starting place value which will help the children develop an understanding of the reading and writing numbers up to 4-digits, counting, identifying the value of individual digits, ordering and rounding, in order to equip them for later topics. After this, the children will move onto addition and subtraction including money. At home, your child may practice reading saying numbers aloud and, adding money and seeing in being used in a real life context.


We continue to do Superhero Maths every week so please ask what your children are on and help them practice so they can defeat their superhero!


Also, we do TT rock stars during the week and you can help your children improve by encouraging them to play online at home! All of the children have been provided with their log in which can be found on their back cover of the reading diary. If you need your child’s detail/ support, please come and speak to me as this is a great mathematical resource.



In science we are learning all about sound. Over the term we will explore how sounds are made; the journey of sound from our outer ear to our brain; how distance impacts the volume of a sound and exploring pitch. Throughout the term, we will be working scientifically to conduct investigations, ask questions, make predictions and observations.



Our topic this term is all about giants, and we have got an exciting line up all based around our fantastic class book.  In geography the children will be using atlases to locate the countries around the world that the giants visit. Zooming into the BFG’s choice of location (the UK), the children will learn about the counties and cities of the UK, and will begin to consider why the BFG chose to visit London.  Following our BFG theme, in DT we will be researching, designing and making our own dreamcatchers and in art, we will be replicating the work of Modigliani's landscape paintings, to create our own dreamy, imaginary world.



PE will continue to be every Monday and Wednesday, please make sure kit is in every week!

The new skills will be gymnastics- focusing on balancing, flexibility  and travelling.



Just a reminder - Homework is given out every Thursday and we expect it returned by the following Friday. If your child needs support with their homework, please ask them to see myself or Mrs McKenna.


Bronze, Silver and Gold Reading Award

An important way to support your child’s learning at home is to read with them at least 3 times per week. If you child reads 3 times per week at home they will receive a star on their bronze book mark. Once they have completed their bookmarks they move onto silver and then onto gold.

The trip to Waterstones is now on the horizon so please keep up all your fabulous reading!


Have you seen the BFG?
