We are Golden and we SPARKLE
Legacies: past and future
Our theme this half-term is ‘Legacies.’ Through different subjects we will consider the impact of ours and people’s actions on the way that we lived in the past, present and how we will live in the future.
As readers and writers this half-term, we will be using the book, ‘Escape from Pompeii,’ to inspire our own historical narratives. We will also spend time writing from the perspective of key people from history, such as Boudicca. After delving into the story, and exploring it through orally retellings, we are going to spend some time constructing super sentences, identifying effective vocabulary and developing our knowledge of persuasive writing. In reading we will be retrieving, inferring information and learning about new vocabulary. We will also be identifying how characters feel by looking for their actions.
As mathematicians we will continue to understand and manipulate multiplicative relationships continued. We will then move onto coordinates and 2D shapes then finally begin to review of fractions. You can help your children improve by Tackling tables and encouraging them to play online at home! If you need your child’s details, please come and speak to me as this is a great mathematical resource.
As scientists we will be learning about states of matter. We will learn about the properties of solids, liquids and gases. Using this knowledge, the pupils will then identify and classify materials. Within this unit the children will also learn about changing states; carry out comparative tests and observations over time.
As historians, we will learn about the Roman Empire and its impact on Britain. We will consider the use of primary and secondary sources for establishing historical context; we will ask questions and choose appropriate sources to answer them.
As designers, we will evaluate existing products and learn to adapt a recipe to create our own biscuit. We will then spend time evaluating these.
As philosophers, we will learn about media literacy & digital resilience.
As athletes the children will be developing skills to enable them to participate in target games. Please remember your PE Kit: plain dark bottoms and a plain white top. The children