
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

How is the effectiveness of the SEND provision at Glade Hill monitored?

The effectiveness of the SEND provision at Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School is analysed and reflected upon as part of the school monitoring and evaluation cycle by the Head teacher and Senior Leadership Team, which includes the school’s Inclusion Leader.


We use a variety of indicators to measure the progress that children make including teacher assessment, evidence in books, standardised assessments such as National Tests, and also for children with SEND progress against provision map or other individual targets. The progress of children will be regularly shared with parents through informal discussions, parents’ evenings and school reports.


Interventions are aimed at being short term to allow a child to ‘catch up’. Interventions are closely monitored by the Inclusion Leader and the Senior Leadership Team under the direction of the Head teacher to ensure these interventions are appropriately delivered and this will also identify any further training required. Interventions may be delivered by Teachers, Teaching Assistants and/or the Emotional Literacy Support Assistant. Interventions are assessed and monitored for their effectiveness and impact on the child. The person running the intervention will keep a running record of progress which will identify specific targets within an intervention and the progress of individuals linked to these specific targets.


The Inclusion Leader will have the responsibility of ensuring the intervention is able to be carried out as timetabled. Alongside the Assessment Leader, she will collect data and evidence to determine impact on individuals which will then be shared in an annual report on SEND provision and impact across the whole school. The effectiveness of SEND provision, together with statistical analysis of SEND will be published in an end of academic year annual report on the school website, shared with Governors and parents of children with SEND. This is in line with the requirement of The Children and Families Act 2014. Changes will be updated annually and any changes occurring during the year will be updated as soon as possible.
