
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Our Learning Journey - AUTUMN 1 CAPED CRUSADERS

    Our Learning Journey!

Every week we will add new information about our learning in GREEN CLASS . Please scroll down the page to see what we have learnt previously - it really helps if your child can revisit previous learning and talk about it with you. 

As we reach the end of our first half-term in Green Class we would like to say a HUGE well done to all the children for the AMAZING start they have made to their learning journey in Foundation Stage 2. We have been blown away each and every day with their enthusiasm and ambition to learn. It has been a joy to teach them every day and we look forward to what the next half-term will bring. Similarly, a huge well done and THANK YOU to our wonderful parents for your patience and support. It is very much appreciated. Please take a look at the Photo Gallery to get a glimpse of some of the fun we have been having in class.



Week beginning 12th October 2020

This week in Literacy we will be focusing on the ‘People who help us’. We will be discussing the people at home, at school and in our community that help us and the jobs they do. We are going to learn about Mary Seacole and how she inspired people with her acts of bravery and generosity. Please refer to the PowerPoint to learn all about her.  At home, you could draw a picture of a nurse or a local hero that you admire. Can you draw some of the things they use in their job?

This week in Maths we will be learning about the number 3 and focusing on addition within 3. Please take a look through the Numberblocks: Number 3 PowerPoint and give some of the tasks a go! To support the learning of 3 can you play a game of noughts and crosses, as this will promote counting by assigning number names to one object. You could also build towers of 1, 2 and 3 to help your child understand the difference between each number.

This week we will be learning about the sounds- ck, e, u and r. Can you find and sort different things at home beginning with our sounds this week.

r-a-t                                   p-e-n                          s-u-n                                s-o-ck

Can you go on an object hunt around your house and find some things beginning with last week’s sounds- g, o, c and k?

Can you sort them into piles according to their beginning sounds?

To continue our celebration of Black History Month, please continue to learn about Mary Seacole by listening to the story: Hoorah for Mary Seacole by Trish Cooke and Anni Axworthy




Week beginning 5th October 2020



This week in Literacy we will be focusing on the story ‘Supertato’. We will be discussing the characters , discussing the features of a superhero and a villain and making our own Super Carrot! At home, you could make your own Supertato from a potato, add some eyes a belt and a cape, and practise re-telling the Supertato story. Supertato is really helpful so maybe you could take him around the house with you to help with jobs such as tidying your bedroom and putting away your toys.




This week in  Maths we will be watching Episode 3 of Numberblocks and learning about the number 2 with a focus on pairs. To support the learning of pairs, you could create a scavenger hunt - find a pair of socks, shoes, wellies and gloves. Give one half of each pair to your child and hide the other half around the house. Then ask your child to find the missing half to the pair.






This week we will be learning the sounds-

                                  c                   k


Can you find and sort different things at home beginning with these  sounds .

Can you draw some pictures of things beginning with last week’s sounds-    m    n   i    d.


Wider Curriculum:

To help celebrate Black History Month, we are going to discuss and celebrate our similarities and differences. Please watch the story ‘Who do you see in the mirror’ by Vese Aladewolu-



Supertato powerpoint

Week Beginning 28th September

This week we will be reading  Superworm by Julia Donaldson. We will be doing lots of activities to bring the story to life such as making superworm belts, skipping and hoola-hooping and digging for buried treasures. You can also enjoy the story by sharing the powerpoint below. Listen out for the rhyming words in the text. Maybe you could make your own 'rhyming basket' by finding objects around the house that rhyme - such as a bear and a chair, car and star, seal and wheel, a lizard and a wizard, a parrot and a carrot!

Superworm by Julia Donaldson

In maths this week we will be learning about the number 1 and introducing the children to the Numberblocks. Watch the first episode together then discuss things you can see in your house that you only have one of. Practise writing the numeral 1 using this rhyme - ''Number 1 is like a stick, go straight down its very quick!'' - then draw pictures from the episode such as 1 bee, 1 tree, 1 apple.


The sounds we have learnt this week are 

       i                            n                                                 d

Can you find and sort different things at home beginning with our sounds this week.

Can you draw some pictures of things beginning with last weeks sounds - s  a  t  p ?

Welcome Amazing Acorns!

We are so happy to welcome you all back to school – we have missed you - and we would like to say an

especially big ‘well done’ to the children and parents who are new to Glade Hill.  The beginning and end of the day looks very different this September, but has run so smoothly and we hope you agree very safely. All our children are displaying GOLDEN and SPARKLY behaviour throughout the day and we have been hugely impressed how quickly they have settled to their new routines and classrooms.

 Topic: Caped Crusaders 


For the first few weeks, we will be settling into routines and getting to know each other. Experience shows us that this settling in period is vital so that our children feel safe and secure as we move forward in our learning.  We will be thinking about our ‘super powers’ and discussing what GOLDEN and SPARKLE looks like.  We will be introducing our children to ALL the people who help us around school and finding out about our families, as well as people who help us in the wider community. Our class texts will include Super Duper You, Superworm and Supertato.                                                        


Please go to 'Letters' on our home page to read our  Green class Autumn 1 Newsletter for important curriculum and day-to-day information.
