We are Golden and we SPARKLE
Dear Parents and Carers of Glade Hill,
What an amazing half-term we have had so far! I have been so impressed by the children’s learning across the school and their great attitudes to their work and each other.
Our half-term theme of ‘Healthy Living’ has been a big success with lots of children (and staff!) completing the 20-day challenge. To complete the challenge, participants had to try to complete tasks around mindfulness, internet safety, exercise and healthy eating. Well done to everyone who worked hard on this and to Miss Marshall for organising the challenge. I hope you are looking forward to our theme next half term ‘The Love of Books’, further details coming soon.
We have also had Councillor Barnard into school to read to our EYFS and KS1 children as part of the Nottingham City Council Big Reading Challenge. The children loved the story 'The Gruffalo's Child' and their stickers to take home! The Big Reading Challenge is aiming to raise more than £5000 for the Imagination Library, a charity run by Dolly Parton. This amazing scheme delivers a free book to local children every month from birth to 5 years old. For more information about this amazing charity, and to sign up for free books, take a look here: https://www.dollybooksnottingham.org/
Teams of children from Glade Hill have also being going to several sporting events at Harvey Haddon. These have included a ‘This Girl Can’ festival for Year 5 girls and a Year 3 and 4 Sports Hall athletics competition. The children have all been amazing, showing great team work alongside their sporting skills. We have signed up for several more events, and we will also be having a Year 4 sporting event in school. Keep an eye out for emails and news items on the website for further details.
Finally, just a reminder that there are lots of events happening during the rest of this term, so make sure you check the MarvellousMe app regarding all the fun things we are going to be doing in school and the trips children will be going on. If you do not yet have the app, please speak to a member of our Office team who will be able to help you get set up.
Have a great half-term, kindest regards,
Mrs Anna Stapleton