We are Golden and we SPARKLE
Dear Parents and Carers,
As the school year draws to a close, I wanted to write on behalf of the Governing Body to acknowledge the huge amount of work undertaken by Ms Sheppard and the school staff, both teaching and non teaching, in the current Covid 19 crisis.
We are grateful for the professionalism, commitment and flexibility shown which the school staff bring during normal times , but especially so during this period of uncertainty and challenge.
They have enabled the children of frontline workers to continue to attend school throughout the last 4 months and have successfully reopened the school to Years 1 and 6 and Early Years, ensuring that the school remains a safe and secure place of learning.
This has not been easy and many changes have been needed to implement in order to achieve this.
It has however been wonderful to have more children back at school and we, Governors, look forward to being able to visit the school again when the circumstances permit.
Over the summer months there will be further work to prepare the school for the planned return of all pupils in September, which will follow local and national guidance.
The Governing Body has full confidence that Glade Hill will continue to meet successfully the challenges ahead.
I also want to thank you the Parents and Carers for your support of the school.
I hope that you are able to enjoy the summer months and look forward to welcoming you and your children back in September.
Kind Regards
Rupert Boddington
Chair of Governors