We are Golden and we SPARKLE
Dear Parents and Carers of Glade Hill School,
Following on from the sad news last week that HRH Queen Elizabeth II has died, we have now received guidance from the Cabinet Office and Department for Education (DfE) regarding the period of National Mourning and the State Funeral.
The official date of the State Funeral will be 19 September 2022. This will be a bank holiday and therefore Glade Hill will be CLOSED to all children and staff for this day.
Glade Hill School will observe the mourning period, following guidance, whilst continuing to support our children, families and staff. Unless informed, please assume any scheduled activities and events will continue as planned. Some may be adapted to ensure the tone of them is appropriate. For example, celebration assemblies will be held in classes. We will also commemorate Her Majesty with appropriate events in-school, including creating a school memory book/ book of condolence. Further details to follow.
We will also hold a 1-minute silence, as a gesture of respect, during our school assemblies today (Monday 12th September).
Other than the bank holiday for the State Funeral, normal school attendance is expected throughout the National Mourning period.
As I shared in my last email, there are several resources to support you and your children in this difficult time.
There are several resources available on the Winston's Wish website including help to answer questions from children about the Queen’s death and how to support grieving young people affected by the news.
Support for adults with grief for Her Majesty The Queen is also available from Cruse bereavement support at https://www.cruse.org.uk/grief-for-her-majesty-the-queen/
As always, please contact the office if you would like any further information or signposting to support services.
Kindest regards,
Anna Stapleton