
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Headteacher Letter - start of Autumn 2

8th November 2024


Dear Parents and Carers of Glade Hill,


I hope you all had a nice half-term break. It has been so lovely to see your children back in school this week and ready to learn. Across the school, the children have been working hard across all subjects and making some brilliant progress. A big well done to them all!


This next half-term is always a busy one, so make sure you check your Arbor app, the MarvellousMe app and your emails for updates, reminders and messages regarding all the fun things we are going to be doing in school. If you do not yet have the app, please speak to a member of our Office team who will be able to help you get set up.


There are lots of opportunities coming up as well, for you to get involved in school, including a reading information event for KS2 parents and carers (21.11.24) and of course our Christmas performances, parties and a range of charity and awareness days. We will also be having our first parents’ evenings of this year next week, so make sure you return a slip for each of your children with your preferred time slots as soon as possible.


Promoting school attendance is a main focus at the moment, not just for our School, but also for the Local Authority and the Department for Education. Part of the policies around this involve us needing to inform parents regularly of any concerns around a child’s attendance and offering support to improve it. We are required to do this even when you may have told us valid reasons for a child’s attendance being below a good level of attendance such as medical appointments, more serious illness or authorised holidays. So, if you receive any communications around your child’s attendance, please remember that this is part of our duties and policies and we would fully inform you if we were progressing to any fines or sanctions. If you require any further information around this, please visit our website or speak to our Attendance Improvement Officer and Office Manager Mrs Raynor.


Finally, I would like to say a big thank you to Mrs Shaw (Year 3/4 Lead), Mrs Beet (EYFS Lead Practitioner) and all of our FrOGS parent and carer group for all their hard work organising events for the rest of this year including our clothing swap and Christmas Hamper Raffles. If any parents or carers would like to get involved with FrOGs and support fundraising for our school, please email the office.


Thank you for all your support for our fabulous school. I look forward to seeing you all very soon.


Kindest regards, Mrs Anna Stapleton - Headteacher
