
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Sustran Big Walk and Wheel 2023


This year we are taking part for the first time in the Sustran Big Walk and Wheel 2023!


We want to encourage all of our children and families to be fit and active, whilst also trying to reduce congestion around our school site.


All children need to do to get involved is walk, scoot or cycle to school and then let their class teacher know. We then log this information on the Sustran website. For every day we get over 15% of our school population involved, we get entered for prizes.


Walking journeys, journeys made by wheelchair, scooter/skate journeys and cycling journeys to school all count in the Sustrans Big Walk and Wheel challenge. For those that park and walk/wheel, their journey to school can also be logged.


We are already doing really well with over 50% of our school taking part. This means we are currently ranked 317th in the Country and 68th in the East Midlands. Keep up the good work everyone!


