
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Year 4s contribute to Kindness Quilt for RSE day 2023


Today some of our Year 4s joined a textiles artist Rebekah Johnston and Cllr. Barnard to contribute towards the Nottingham City 'Kindness Quilt' for RSE day 2023 and what a great job they did!


The 'Kindness Quilt' project is part of the RSE day 2023 celebrations and involves schools contributing towards a 'kindness quilt'. This will be a quilt made up on 29 squares, showing an abstract image of a kindness story or what kindness can mean.


This is to support this year's theme for RSE day 2023 which is 'Launch into Kindness'. ChalleNGe is supporting the creation of this collaborative Quilt project, with Textile artist Rebekah Johnston and Nottingham's RSE day lead, Catherine Kirk. They're also gathering children and young people's stories of Kindness as part of Nottingham's Year of Stories, which will be incorporated into the quilt using QR codes!  The quilt will tour local libraries and be on display at Newstead Abbey during Autumn 2023.   


RSE Day ( 


At Glade Hill, we won a free session with the artist running the project and 16 children from Year 4 took part today.



Although not all children got the chance to make a textile square today, all the children will be involved in thinking of a kindness story durng RSE week and then creating a collaged version using paper. I look forward to sharing examples with you in July.

