We are Golden and we SPARKLE
On Wednesday 9th June, Nick Robb from School Sport Nottingham, returned to Glade Hill for the second round of the Nottingham City Primary Sporting Superstars Challenge.
Our Year 5/6 athletes once again excelled. The challenge for the children this time was to try and beat their personal best score from the previous session.
After the six challenges were complete, the children who beat their personal best scores were awarded gold wrist bands The top three athletes were awarded bronze, silver and gold medals.
In Marvellous Maples third place was taken by Toby Bamford. Second place was taken by Pharen Davis Boulter and the athlete with the most improved score was Varen Pierce Oswin.
In Super Cedars third place was taken by Kayson McCalla-Newman.In second place was Abbey Leader and in a very well deserved first place was Aaron Proctor.
The whole class was then given their gold medals for placing first in the whole competition and the school was given a engraved trophy in recognition of this fantastic achievement. Excellent work!