
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

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Latest News

See below for our latest news items. There will also be news shared on our class pages and in letters or newsletters.

  • Letter from Ms Sheppard

    Mon 17 May 2021

    Dear Parent/Carer


    You will be aware through media reports that a coronavirus variant of concern has been identified as becoming more widespread in parts of the country, including Nottingham.  We have been informed that this variant has been identified at Henry Whipple Primary School which obviously is in close proximity to Glade Hill and our community.  I have been reassured by Nottingham City’s Public Health Team that they are working closely with our colleagues at Henry Whipple and their school community.


    I am writing to all Glade Hill parents to reassure you that we are all remaining vigilant in school and I would ask you to do the same in the community.  Our staff and children are working hard to remember good hygiene practice as well as staff undertaking regular testing.  Please can we remind you of the ongoing government advice regarding ‘Hands, Face, Space’ and ask you to remain socially distanced when picking up your children from school.


    Please remember that if your child has any symptoms of coronavirus – a high temperature, a new continuous cough or a loss of taste or smell – they must not attend school until you have evidence of a negative PCR test.  If anyone in your household has any of the above symptoms then everyone in the household must self-isolate until a negative PCR test has been obtained.  Please inform school of any absence and we will advise you if you need support with testing.  Schools are required to report positive cases to Public Health England and the Local Authority.


    Please note that the Lateral Flow tests that are freely available can be used regularly by all families.  However, they should only be used when you do not have symptoms as an indication that you are not asymptomatic.  If your child is displaying any of the symptoms above you must book at a test centre for a full PCR test and inform school of the result.


    Further advice regarding the different types of test can be obtained from


    We hope that you will support us fully in ensuring that we do all we can to prevent this virus spreading and keep our families safe.


    Kind Regards


    Ms Sheppard

    Head Teacher

  • Year 5/6 Sporting Superstars Challenge

    Tue 04 May 2021 Mr Purcell

    On Wednesday 28th April, Marvellous Maples and Super Cedars competed in the Nottingham City Sport Superstars Challenge.


    The children were put into six teams with an Olympic theme and took part in six different athletic challenges.


    After some excellent team work and individual effort the scores were totalled up and the top 3 teams received bronze, silver and gold wristbands and best individual girl and boy athletes all received bronze, silver and gold medals.


    In Marvelous Maples THREE teams achieved joint silver!


    The winning team in Marvellous Maples was France, with team members Sinead Edwards, Pharen Davis-Boulter, Varen Pierce Oswin and Treme Markland.


    The boys individual winners were as follows. In third place Treme Markland.In second place taking the silver medal Harry Thornley and in first place taking the gold medal Noah Wilson.


    For the girls.In third place Ellie Campbell. In second place Millie Norman and taking the gold medal Sinead Edwards.


    Super Cedars team gold was won by Great Britain.Team members were Oliwa Pozniak, Daisy Lowe,Aaron Proctor, Amelia burton and Keownlewis Caunt.


    The boys individual medal winners were, in third place Alfie Guise. in second place Callum Hunter and taking the gold medal, Keownlewis Caunt.


    The girls individual winners were, in third place Blessings Nekwaya. In second place taking the silver medal, Amilia Burton and in first place taking the gold medal Kacey Smith.


    A big well done to all the teams and individual medal winners.


    The total class scores will now be averaged out to give a whole class score and put against the rest of the competing schools in the city, with the top three placing schools awarded bronze, silver and gold medals at the end of May.


