
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Latest News

Latest News

See below for our latest news items. There will also be news shared on our class pages and in letters or newsletters.

  • Bestwood Day of Action

    Fri 30 Jun 2023 Mrs Stapleton


    A team of our Marvellous Year 5s and Outstanding Year 4s took part in the Bestwood Day of Action last week.


    They tidied our school planter at the local shops and took part in a litter pick of the surrounding area.


    Well done to them all for such great work. You are all golden citizens. A big thank you to Mrs McKenna and other staff who organised and helped on the day.

  • Year 4s contribute to Kindness Quilt for RSE day 2023

    Tue 13 Jun 2023 Mrs Stapleton


    Today some of our Year 4s joined a textiles artist Rebekah Johnston and Cllr. Barnard to contribute towards the Nottingham City 'Kindness Quilt' for RSE day 2023 and what a great job they did!


    The 'Kindness Quilt' project is part of the RSE day 2023 celebrations and involves schools contributing towards a 'kindness quilt'. This will be a quilt made up on 29 squares, showing an abstract image of a kindness story or what kindness can mean.


    This is to support this year's theme for RSE day 2023 which is 'Launch into Kindness'. ChalleNGe is supporting the creation of this collaborative Quilt project, with Textile artist Rebekah Johnston and Nottingham's RSE day lead, Catherine Kirk. They're also gathering children and young people's stories of Kindness as part of Nottingham's Year of Stories, which will be incorporated into the quilt using QR codes!  The quilt will tour local libraries and be on display at Newstead Abbey during Autumn 2023.   


    RSE Day ( 


    At Glade Hill, we won a free session with the artist running the project and 16 children from Year 4 took part today.



    Although not all children got the chance to make a textile square today, all the children will be involved in thinking of a kindness story durng RSE week and then creating a collaged version using paper. I look forward to sharing examples with you in July.


  • Headteacher Letter - start of Summer 2

    Tue 13 Jun 2023 Mrs Stapleton

    Dear Parents and Carers of Glade Hill,


    I hope you all had a lovely half-term break. It has been so lovely to see all of the children back in school and already working so hard with their learning.


    Our Super Year 6s continue to work hard on their writing, ready for us completing our teacher assessments later in June. I am so proud of all their progress and hard work, especially straight after their reading and maths tests. I know that they will be very well prepared for secondary schools after all this hard work and commitment to their learning. This year we have decided to hold a Year 6 Leaver’s Party for the first time so the children can celebrate all their hard work and the great time they have had a Glade Hill. I’m sure a great time will be had by all. This will be in addition to the usual Leaver’s Assembly. Get the tissues ready!



    We again have lots of exciting curriculum and enrichment activities planned for this half-term, including our Wonderful Year 2s going to Wollaton camp and our Year 6s going to Boggle Hole. As I’ve shared before, these enrichment opportunities are an important part of our curriculum at Glade Hill and we are committed to ensuring these continue even with rising costs for transport. With residentials for children at Glade Hill in Years 2, 4 and 6, there are plenty of opportunities for children to be golden and SPARKLE both in school and in exciting out of school ‘overnight’ experiences.



    This half-term our Marvellous Year 5s have experienced another first at Glade Hill. They have been the first year-group in school to start the ‘Great Project’. The Great Project is an education and personal development programme for Upper Key Stage 2, designed to promote healthy relationships and domestic abuse awareness. The aim being to help children stay safe and enter healthy relationships as they get older. All our teaching and support staff also attended a CPD training session this week to support our professional knowledge in this area so we can support our children and families in the best way possible. Further information can be found at


    As always, if you or anyone you know requires further support or information around this topic, this can be found at: or


    Following the success of our fantastic clubs programme this year, we are starting our final round of clubs next Wednesday. This half-term we have tried to combine some familiar favourites like cookery and forest schools with some new additions like photography and bead craft. Nearly all of the clubs for this half-term are now full, but if any children did not get a place on their preferred club, please contact the office to be put on the waiting list or priority list for the Autumn term.



    Finally, as we begin the final half-term of this academic year, I would like to thank you for all your support and commitment to your children’s learning. We will be sending out a parent questionnaire next week for some feedback on how you view the work we do at Glade Hill and anything you would like to see more of (or less of!) next academic year. Please fill this in as it will be a great help in our planning for next year and I thank you in advance for your constructive feedback. 


    Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to seeing you all very soon.


    Kindest regards, Mrs Anna Stapleton - Headteacher
