
Glade Hill Primary and Nursery School

We are Golden and we SPARKLE

Latest News

Latest News

See below for our latest news items. There will also be news shared on our class pages and in letters or newsletters.

  • 'The Love of Books' Launch - Half-term theme

    Mon 27 Feb 2023 Mrs Stapleton


    We have launched our theme for this half-term and shared this with the children in special assemblies. The theme is 'The Love of Books' and will include us celebrating World Book Day 2023 on Thursday 2nd March.


    During the next few weeks, we have a variety of activities for the children to take part in both in their classes and some community visits as well. Our Year 6s will be visiting local Nursing Homes to read and share books with residents. Our Year 2s are off to the local library for a fun reading session. We also have 'Stay and Read' drop-ins for parents and carers for the other year groups.


    On World Book Day we have asked the children to come dressed up either in a book character costume or some comfy clothes. We also have an author visiting us in school and running some workshops with the children.


    What a great few weeks we have planned! Check out our website for more details and photos.

  • Welcome back letter from the Headteacher - Spring 2 2023

    Wed 22 Feb 2023 Mrs Stapleton

    Dear Parents and Carers of Glade Hill,


    I hope you all had a nice half-term break. It has been so lovely to see all of the children back in school and ready to continue their learning.


    Following the success of our updated clubs programme last half term, we have now started a new set of clubs. This is in response to an area of development from our successful OFSTED report. I know everyone who attended last half-term had a great time, with a selection of clubs offered to KS1 and KS2 children in lots of different areas from sport to Lego to knitting! Nearly all of the clubs for this half-term are now full, as we prioritised children who did not get to attend last time, but if any children missed the letter please contact the office to be put on the waiting list.


    We also have lots of exciting curriculum activities planned this half-term, so make sure you check the MarvellousMe app for updates, reminders and messages. This is our main communication tool so if you do not yet have the app, or you are experiencing problems, please speak to a member of our Office team who will be able to help you. Several year groups have trips and visits coming up, and we also have a number of sports events in which children are selected to represent Glade Hill. For further details and news, check out the website.


    Our Year 5s went to their first swimming lesson this week and impressed everyone with their resilience and enthusiasm. The staff at Southglade Leisure Centre were very complementary about the children’s attitude and behaviour as well. Well done Year 5, I really enjoyed coming to watch, keep up the good work!


    As you know improving attendance remains very important to our school and is one of the key priorities on our School Development Plan. Your child coming to school as much as possible is an important way that you can support their learning and achievement. We will be presenting children with 100% attendance for the Spring term with BRONZE star badges to mark this achievement. If any children achieved 100% in the Autumn and Spring terms then they will receive a SILVER star badge! We have also been continuing to announce which classes have the best attendance each week in assemblies, which is still proving to be very motivating. The winning classes earn extra outside time and the phase attendance trophy for the week!


    Mrs Davies, our School Attendance Officer and Office Manager, will be continuing to closely monitor attendance and ensure we act following our policy. This is available on the school website and follows guidance from the Local Authority and the Government on how we can ensure good attendance for all. This includes us not authorising holidays in term-time unless there are exceptional circumstances, and also meeting with parents where the attendance of children is of concern. Mrs Davies is also working with our Education Welfare Officer and other Attendance Officers in our local area to look at how to support attendance moving forwards. Please continue to ensure your child is in school as much as possible so they can get the best out of the great learning we have on offer.


    Thank you for taking the time to read this letter and I look forward to seeing you all very soon.


    Kindest regards,


    Mrs Anna Stapleton


  • End of half-term letter from the Headteacher

    Fri 10 Feb 2023 Mrs Stapleton

    Dear Parents and Carers of Glade Hill,


    What an amazing half-term we have had so far! I have been so impressed by the children’s learning across the school and their great attitudes to their work and each other.


    Our half-term theme of ‘Healthy Living’ has been a big success with lots of children (and staff!) completing the 20-day challenge. To complete the challenge, participants had to try to complete tasks around mindfulness, internet safety, exercise and healthy eating. Well done to everyone who worked hard on this and to Miss Marshall for organising the challenge. I hope you are looking forward to our theme next half term ‘The Love of Books’, further details coming soon.


    We have also had Councillor Barnard into school to read to our EYFS and KS1 children as part of the Nottingham City Council Big Reading Challenge. The children loved the story 'The Gruffalo's Child' and their stickers to take home! The Big Reading Challenge is aiming to raise more than £5000 for the Imagination Library, a charity run by Dolly Parton. This amazing scheme delivers a free book to local children every month from birth to 5 years old. For more information about this amazing charity, and to sign up for free books, take a look here:


    Teams of children from Glade Hill have also being going to several sporting events at Harvey Haddon. These have included a ‘This Girl Can’ festival for Year 5 girls and a Year 3 and 4 Sports Hall athletics competition. The children have all been amazing, showing great team work alongside their sporting skills. We have signed up for several more events, and we will also be having a Year 4 sporting event in school. Keep an eye out for emails and news items on the website for further details.


    Finally, just a reminder that there are lots of events happening during the rest of this term, so make sure you check the MarvellousMe app regarding all the fun things we are going to be doing in school and the trips children will be going on. If you do not yet have the app, please speak to a member of our Office team who will be able to help you get set up.


    Have a great half-term, kindest regards,




    Mrs Anna Stapleton


  • NottAlone Launch Event

    Fri 10 Feb 2023 Mrs Stapleton

    What an amazing time two members of our Glade Hill Senior Council had at the NottAlone Primary event today! They had such a good time representing our school and finding out about support available to Primary School children.

  • Big Reading Challenge - Cllr Barnard visits Glade Hill!

    Fri 03 Feb 2023 Mrs Stapleton


    Thank you to Councillor Barnard who visited us today as part of the Nottingham City Council Big Reading Challenge and read to our EYFS and KS1 children. We loved the story 'The Gruffalo's Child' and our stickers to take home!


    Here is some more information about the event:


    The Big Reading Challenge is aiming to raise more than £5000 for the Imagination Library, a charity run by Dolly Parton. This amazing scheme delivers a free book to local children every month from birth to 5 years old. 


    For more information about this amazing charity take a look here:




  • Sports Hall Athletics Event - Year 3 and 4

    Thu 02 Feb 2023 Mrs Stapleton

    Another sporting success story for Glade Hill!


    Today a team of boys and girls from Year 3 and 4 attended a Sports Hall Athletics Event with Mr Strachan and Mrs York.


    They performed very well and showed amazing attitudes towards all the different events and the other teams. It sounds like we were the team with the loudest cheers for our own team and also the other teams too!


    We are so proud of their hard work and can't wait for all the Year 4s to participate in the Sports Hall Athletics when they visit Glade Hill soon!



  • This Girl Can Sports Festival - Year 5

    Thu 02 Feb 2023


    A huge well done to our amazing team of 8 Year 5 girls who attended the 'This Girl Can' Sports Festival to represent Glade Hill. 


    They impressed everyone with their great attitude to the event, their skills, their teamwork and how much they showed that they were golden and they sparkled. 


    Miss Atkin and Miss Hunt were blown away and so proud of the team.


    Well done!

